Monday, February 14, 2011

"Pay" for getting older

Do you really "count" on it, what you had been lost from the time you start to grow up?~~~
Your smile?~ Replace it with the fake one instead?!
Your honesty?~ Can you make sure that every single word come out from your mouth is TRUE?!!! I doubt that...
Maybe... there are many long "lost property" that you haven't realize... When one day you need it, you will be realize it then!!! Could you keep it with you properly before you lost it?!
Could I find all my "EX" LOST-property with me again?!

Old people said: "When you gain one thing, you maybe need to pay for it instead!!! When you get thing good, PAY FOR IT WITH THE BAD ONE." Is it all the good things gone to so called WELCOME bad one... Hold your hand high, SAY: I REFUSE TO GROWING UP!!! HAHAHAHA...

Hahahaha... That was me 1st time heard that: ME IS SO COMPLICATED!!! I got it from my sweet friend... hahaha... Am I?! MAYBE~~~ FROM THE TIME I NO REALIZE, I DID "GAIN" COMPLICATED!!!
In fact, I thought I am simple enough!!! LOLZ!!! Who else disagree?! hahaha...

This is the 5th week in UTAR, in other word, only 9th weeks left... LOLZZ... I haven't prepare to become more complicated?! hahaha... But, I am looking forward on it... PENANG...!!! I AM REALLY BACK!!! Sometimes, I was thinking... duno when the time i back... how is it?! Shihhhhhhhhhh... I not really know what I talk and think about!! please ignore me!!! hahaha...

Whatever, to be real me... I AM WHO I AM!!! lolz



Anonymous said...

Most of the time, I think that I am just a simple girl. I am just simply like to cry. I just simply like to think...... and I just simply don't know what i want~

Do you simply know who am I?? haha

Yue Yun said...

swt... many gal around me oso dat... ermmmmmmm... u ah?! hoka or xiao mei?!